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What Matters...

Sitting here in a deer blind contemplating the wonderful grouse camp and compelling conversations we had.

Perhaps the biggest theme that kept popping up during our conversations was about how too many people feel they have to fit into a certain niche of dog, style, etc.

The consensus was that everyone simply needs to do what makes them happy, not what fits in the box of a social media creator or so-called experts (remember, the average content creator is on their first or second dog...their vast knowledge is well, actually borderline embellishmentl).

In today's day and age, peoplefeel pressure to have to perform at a certain level due to what is being purported as real, and its hurting R3 by placing unrealistic expectations in the mind of the new hunter.

You have heard me say this before...hunt the dog in front of you, not the one you wish you had, and do what makes you happy.

Go solo, find a friend or group of friends with the same mindset and start enjoying the journey!

I prefer 2 to 3 hour hunts over many miles, I shoot (well attempt to shoot) pointed birds, I take more photos than I do shots, I prefer my dogs to hunt 100 yards out, I don't stop to eat lunch, etc...

Guess what, that doesn't mean you, or anyone else, has to do the same.

This group of guys in the picture, none of us actually hunt the same...and I would no want it any other way because we are all happy when we get together to make memories.

So do yourself a favor as you grow in this sport and set your own expectations.

Hunt the dog in front of you and have zero regrets because the journey is too short.

And find a group of fellas (or ladies) like this...


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