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Education and Growing the Sport

Hello friends!

What a busy summer it has been here at Aspen Thicket as we held our 2nd Annual Bonasa Bonanza.

We had attendees from across the Midwest and as far as Kentucky!

Thank you to our participants as we raised thousands of dollars that will be used directly to fund the Veteran's Hunt we assist BDM Gundogs with.

As a result of your generosity, we will be able to take 16 Veterans grouse hunting this year.

We also held a 3 day grouse hunting and Dog Handling seminar that brought people from Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan. They were a great group of people who told us that it was a fun weekend of learning. is on us as hunters to educate people.

Perhaps it's an anti-hunter with a misunderstanding of conservation, an environmentalist with a misunderstanding of Forestry, etc...

Aldo Leopold once wrote:

“The central thesis of game management is this, Game can be restored by the creative use of the same tools which have destroyed it—axe, plow, cow, fire, and gun.”

He was one of the first to call for game management through habitat...surely we can carry on his legacy for our kids and grandkids.

But in order to do so, we must remain engaged by participating in State and Federal Forest Plan Reviews.

In fact, the Michigan Forest Plan is being updated as we speak:

Please take the time to review and comment and preach the gospel of habitat management as Aldo did when he created the discipline of wildlife management.

It is also our responsibility to mentor someone.

Do you know someone who has never hunted but likes you bird dog? It doesn't take much to invite them along on a hunt (and not a death march...make it fun like you were taking a little kid).

Did someone approach you in a kind and genuine manner with an interest in upland hunting? You know what to them out!

And remember, some people don't know the ethics and unwritten rules of grouse hunting unless you mentor them.

Thank you once again from us at Aspen Thicket for your patronage at the Bonanza and seminars this year.

Because of you, we can mentor a few warriors and help them, if only for a weekend.


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